Sunday, June 22, 2014


This class has been a bit challenging in that it has been hard to keep up with everything each week. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about all the new tech tools and have even started my own google doc titled "new tech tools for my classroom". I've seen so many great tools that I want to use with my students that I'm afraid I will forget them.  All of my groups have been great communicators and hard workers. If anything I was the poor communicator because I was traveling  and had inconsistent internet. While working on assignments we always said we wished we had an example to see so we knew if we were on the right track. I guess that shows how much we rely on examples. Google hangouts, Google docs, and email were what worked well for all my groups. Class meetings were all productive except I really enjoyed making screencasts so I wish we could have done them for all the spotlights. I liked being able to go back and watch them. I felt like it was a better presentation than what BBC could give us. The screen share just had so many problems and interfered with the presentations. The last thing is that there are so many places to comment and post and find information it's hard to keep everything straight between google+, wiki spaces, and google docs. I have definitely gained an overwhelming amount of knowledge in this class. It has really pushed my learning curve and made me realize how many tools are out there. I feel like my confidence has increased with using new tools. I now just jump right into them instead of being hesitant. Now I never question whether or not I can use the tool I just go ahead and try it. I know eventually I will figure it out.

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