Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cool Tech Tools!

This last week I've learned about a number of tools I can use in my classroom. A few that I think will be most useful to me or I think I will make an attempt to try are Padlet, Mixbit, Screencast o matic, and Powtoons. I've realized that it takes time to learn how to use an online tool. I need to use it multiple times before it becomes easy to use. Sometimes I don't spend enough time on something and then I don't really give it chance. I've decided to set aside some time to explore and let myself play with tools to help me in my classroom. I've also realized that there's so much out there to use. I really need to take time to ask and search for technology tools I can use with my students. I think they would enjoy using more technology in class. The hardest part is just getting the computers and the maintenance. I have 8 computers in my room for 27 students so I can put them in groups to switch off working. However, when one computer is down it really gets frustrating when it can't get fixed right away. This is all a part of technology and the only way to make it better is by educating myself more so I can fix things and use more tools in my class.  I wonder what technology will look like in the classroom in 20 years. There's so much to learn!

This is a video I found on technology in a future classroom. It looks so cool!!  :-)

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