Saturday, June 28, 2014

Take a Deep Breath and Relax...

It's been a whirl wind of 6 weeks. It feels like just yesterday we were online in our first BBC session. It's kind of bitter sweet. I'm excited to have a break, relax, and enjoy my summer before Fall semester but I'm also going to miss learning about all these tools and constantly challenging my mind every week. Group projects are fun and challenging at times but I'm always amazed with our end result. It's incredible what three brains can accomplish without ever meeting in person!
I can't believe the amount of tech tools I've learned about in such a short amount of time! I never thought about using Pinterest as a way to present information instead of just looking up stuff for my classroom and recipes. I have my new tech tools list that I'm excited to use next school year. I want incorporate them into my teaching practices and teach my students how to use some of them as well. Learning about all of these tools has even made me think about changing my masters project. Now I feel like I have so much to work with and learn more about! Some of the tools I'm looking at are Edmodo, Padlet,  Popplet, Bitstrip, Mixbit, Powtoon, Exit Ticket, and Class Dojo/Class Charts. I need to pick a few and then decide how I want to use it in my masters project to present next year. My goal is to have this some what figured out before Fall semester begins. We'll see how that goes. For now it's time to take a deep breath and relax.

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